Soil Sampling

We provide a professional and prompt soil analysis facility for farmers in the North West of Ireland
Soil analysis will tailor fertiliser application to match crop requirement ensuring optimum crop production, by reducing nutrient loss to the environment and growing farm profitability.
- It is now compulsory under Cross Compliance for any land in tillage for 6 years or more to be tested for Organic Matter (OM) content.
- Soil analysis is a very small farm expense and will be valid for 5 years (€20 per sample, 10 acres maximum allowed per sample for Cross Compliance divided over 5 years equals 40 cent per acre per year) .
Less than 3 small bags of Nitrogen (at €300/t) saved in total over a 100 acre farm per year will cover this miniscule cost. Contact the office for more details and stop throwing your money away.
A standard soil test will give the soils' fertility status for; soil pH and lime requirement, soil phosphorus (P), soil potassium (K), soil magnesium (Mg) together with nutrient advice based on soil sample details and results. It is essential to take all nutrients into account in order to get the correct nutrient balance in the soil so that applied fertilizer is taken up by the growing crop. A deficiency of any of these major nutrients will have a large effect on production. It is essential that when you get your soil sample results back that they are applied to improve the soils productivity and farm profitability with improved farm production and fertilizer management.
The cost of fertilizer has increased due to raising energy costs. Soil analysis is a vital tool that can provide the information required to cut costs, optimize nutrient efficiency and reduce nutrient loss to the environment.