To qualify for the ANC/ASC Scheme you must –

  • Hold a valid herd number and farm eligible disadvantaged lands in your own right.
  • Maintain a minimum stocking density of 0.15 livestock units per eligible forage hectare for 7 consecutive months within the 2019 calendar year.
  • Maintain an annual average stocking density of 0.15 livestock units per eligible forage hectare for the 2019 calendar year.

Note: Arable lands, which are payable in designated areas under the scheme will not be subject to or taken into account in the calculation of stocking requirements.

  • Applicants with sheep and/or goats must have submitted a valid Sheep/Goat Census return within specified timelines.
  • In cases where it is necessary to submit your flock register for sheep and goats, the Original Flock Register must be submitted – certified copies will not be accepted.
  • For animals with no national movement database i.e. horses/donkeys, proof of ownership of such animals will be required each year.
  • In the case of equines, the Original Passport must be submitted – certified copies will not be accepted.
  • New entrants should note the specific stocking requirements under Section 7 – New Entrants.
  • Notification of change in Stocking Requirements in relation to Donkeys from the 2020 Scheme year are under Section 7 – Donkeys

Minimum Stocking Density Requirements

  • In addition to meeting the 7 month retention period, applicants must also maintain an annual average of 0.15 livestock units calculated over the 12 months of the calendar year.
  • Applicants must own, possess, hold and maintain the livestock required to maintain the minimum stocking level.
  • There will be a continued recognition of applicants who will not meet the minimum stocking requirement due to recognised constraints imposed on the holding.
  • Where it is established that an applicant does not own the animals used to calculate the minimum stocking density the applicant will be deemed ineligible for payment under the Scheme except in the case of Contract Rearing. In cases where a holding has been restricted due to the presence of an animal disease (e.g. TB) applicants are required to meet the minimum required stocking density within 10 days of the date of derestriction.
  • Arable Lands Arable lands, situated in designated areas, will be eligible for payment in 2019. It should be noted that these arable lands will not be subject to or taken into account in the calculation of stocking requirements.


  • Donkeys are eligible for inclusion in the stocking density calculation.
  • They must be owned by the applicant who holds a valid passport with the donkey registered in the name of the applicant.
  • All donkeys must be maintained on the applicants holding.

IMPORTANT – Please note that from 2020 only 50% of stocking density requirement can be fulfilled using donkeys. Applicants will be required to use other livestock to fulfil the other 50% requirement